Through patience and determination this buck finally showed up for Bill and his shot did not miss the mark. Still hunting for mule deer in their feeding areas is one of the best ways to tag trophy bucks. On other occasions some driving is required. Thanks to Bill for his good shot and his skill at mule deer hunting. Once he had his deer on the ground, He said, "I can't stop smiling". |

Outfitter, Louis Shilka,
with his impressive mule deer buck. 29 inches wide with
heavy beams is a trophy for his wall and hangs in the
camp kitchen. 12 points with polished tips are a rare
sight for Alberta mule deer. We are a hunting family and
my son is also an outfitter. |

My son, Kevin Shilka, took this 2 foot square mule deer
buck near the end of November with a single shot and at
250 yards/meters. This mule deer buck must have has some
skull damage when he was young. Check out the odd skull
shape. Kevin is a second gereration outfitter. |

My grandson, Rylan Shilka,
with his first, Alberta mule deer buck. This young 6 x
7 x 22 inch trophy mule deer was taken with a single shot
at 80 yards/meters with a 243 Winchester. What a well
balanced set of antler for a first buck. Perhaps my grandson
will be a 3rd. generation outfitter. |

Smiling Dave didn't miss
when he decided to take this Alberta buck. A single shot
gave him a trophy mule deer with a 26 inch spread, 7 long
tines and a couple of brow tines for a total of 9 in all.
Check out the height of this mule deer bucks main beams.
The main beans really score up and the long tines make
him very impressive. |

Janice holds this 27 inch mule deer buck taken during
the last week in November. A rough score of 175 typical
points after deductions makes this trophy mule deer a
wall hanger. A great lady and hopefully many more successful
hunts in the future. A great mule deer buck for anyone's
trophy wall. |

An excellent hunter with
a positive personality. It was a pleasure to have this
guy in camp and to know and make friends with him. For
his efforts Shane takes home a very typical 4 by 4, not
counting brow tines, on a 26 inch set of mule deer antlers.
Another bush buck taken on a mid November mule deer hunt. |

A great buck with a total
of 10 typical points and a score pushing the record book.
Taken the second last day of his hunt Dave proudly holds
his monster buck with rut neck, high for the camera. Anyone
should be pleased to have this trophy. With an ear spread
of 20 inches can you guess the total width? |

On his early September hunt Willie first took his nice black bear then went after his mule deer. His second day sitting on a hill looking over a logged off section of forest this buck came running into the opening. 150 yards away it stopped for the last time and our hunter had his second trophy, a velvet buck. A great hunter, a great person and a pleasure to have hunted with him. Thanks |

C.J. and his early season velvet buck sporting a massive
5 by 6 set of antlers with points on a very heavy frame.
A quality velvet buck for any area and this buck's head
mount will look super on any wall. Early season provides
many very large velvet bucks and that time of year should
not be under estimated. |

Mike (Bear) took this 26
inch mule deer along the edge of a creek bed bordering
a stubble field. A good number of future trophy mule deer
bucks live along this creek bed, some we will harvest
next year. Because we take a very limited number of mule
deer hunters each year we hunt only during the best part
of the season. |

An enjoyable hunter to have in camp. David tagged his
trophy mule deer only seconds before his son tagged his.
Two mid season bucks taken together on a pipeline covered
with fresh green clover. A favourite food for trophy mule
deer. |

Guy and Dave hold up their
bucks for display in front our camp kitchen. A good back
ground that shows a hint of our hunting camp indicationg
the care we have for our clients and their trophies. Two
happy hunters with two quality trophies for their show
rooms. Wishing you the best on all your future hunts. |

Check out this typical monster
mule deer. What a buck and second time, Alaska hunter,
Steve, is proud to be holding it. The wolves took the
buck down, hunter showed up and shot the buck, wolves
ran off, hunter took head and rack, wolves came back for
the remains. What a story of 29 inches of record book
buck, Wow! |

This 6 by 7 not counting brow tines is one heck of a buck.
A score well over 210 with a spread of 34.5 inches is
a trophy for anyone's wall. Sean's second buck and they
just keep getting bigger. What can we get him next year
that will out do this one? A great wall hanger. |

After closely watching this alfalfa field for a couple
of days we sorted out, among the many deer that were feeding,
this bucks habits. After closing the distance with the
pickup, circling and getting in the right position for
a good shot, Mark, dropped his 25 inch trophy with a single
shot. Congratulations to a great guy. |

His second buck, 22 inches
wide and 12 points. We tracked this trophy mule deer over
a mile. Out of arrows, Art borrowed my hunting knife and
jumped for his staggering wounded trophy. One flip on
the buck's antlers and the animal landed on his side.
A moment later we were taking photos. |

Bumping the record book this 28 inch mule deer buck made
his last mistake and Darren's bullet did not miss. Check
out the weight of the antlers and how this buck holds
his size to the end of the tines. A heavy buck and a wall
hanger I would be please to own. Good going, Darren. |

A late october 5x7x30 inch
mule deer buck is a trophy for anyone's wall. Early or
late season hunts, it does not matter, you can expect
great wall hangers on any hunt. We have a very high population
of mulies in our area. |

Dave took his buck in the Clear Hills north of Worsley
while still hunting from an oil lease clearing. The buck
came for his early morning meal of clover and instead
found a 300 mag. bullet waiting for him. The buck never
left the lease. His typical 4 x 4 measures 27.5 inches
wide. |

Camouflage is not necessarily
the answer but is certainly a huge improvement over garments
made of nylon or other noisy materials. This expert hunter,
Taunya, proved that patience, being still and soft camouflage
clothing put her within close range of her 30 inch trophy. |

A spread of 30 inches but
only a score of 166 shows that spread isn't everything.
Not always do the widest racks make the best trophies
however, Reg, is all smiles as he holds this trophy in
the camp kitchen. An early season hunt produced this buck
in just a few hours. |

This uncharacteristic set
of monster mule deer antlers needs mounting for the conversation
if nothing else. Typically wide with 12 points this antlered
bushbuck ruled the woods with over 20 does. Pedicle damage
created this odd set of antlers. |

This Alaska client pulled
no punches. After letting two great wall hangers run,
he chose to tag the next decent buck. By the end of his
first day, Steve had his trophy on the ground. After leaving
a deposit for next year, he headed for home the following
morning. |

My friend, Jon, an another
of his many successful hunts in my camp. From record book
moose, to trophy mule deer, he has taken them all and
is still hunting. This 28 inch, 4x4 now hangs on his wall. |

A late october mule deer
packing 12 points on its 29 inch rack and scoring and
impressive 175 points unofficial. Karen proudly displays
this trophy buck in front of the camp kitchen. |

Hidden points do not show
the full dimensions of this tremendous buck. Rob took
his 7 x 8 x 29 inch wide buck while still hunting during
early September. One shot gave him his velvet trophy of
a lifetime. This buck is now on display on a plaque in
his trophy room. |

An early November hunt offered
this 31 inch trophy mule deer buck to the hunter. A great
spread and length to the tines put this buck close to
the record book score. Late September through early November
are among some of the better times for trophy mule deer
bucks. Pre-rut (mid to late October) is the time for trophy
bucks. |

Gerry took this monster
34 inch trophy mule deer buck in a single shot at 250
yards. This bush buck was feeding on clover on an open
line (cut line) in the woods. A great shot provided a
huge trophy well into the books. Some of the best mule
deer taken are on early season hunts when the bucks are
still on clover and hanging with does. |

His father took the first buck John took the second. A
balanced 26 inch buck with great colour and even points.
The two bucks were feeding on a clover-covered pipeline.
This second buck stepped out after the first was shot.
A very nice trophy for any wall. |

On a warm November day I
snuck this photo of, Frosty, holding up a 6 point Alberta
mule deer buck in front of the cookhouse. Camp consists
of heated cabins, outhouses, hot shower and a spacious
camp kitchen with an excellent cook an great home style
food. |

Sean displays his early
season trophy mule deer buck. An exceptionally heavy beamed
buck with a 28 inch spread and sporting 6 points per side.
Early season hunts are certainly among the best of the
year for heavy beams. |

It took two shoots to bring
down this heavy beamed 4X6 mulie buck. Brian tagged his
trophy in an alfalpha field at mid day. The second buck
who was fighting with this one seemed lost and did not
want to eave. We took photos of both at twenty yards. |

What can I say about this
stranger who came to my camp and left as a friend? Considered,
polite, helpful, joyous, does not cover his personality.
Eager to do what it takes, Ed, went home with a trophy
bull moose and this trophy mule deer. |

Jim smiles as he stands
beside a couple of mulie bucks, a small fork horn and
a real trophy of 31 in. plus. With no brow tines this
buck still claims the 4X4 status and the books. |

Shawn's second mule deer hunt and his second trophy buck.
His first, a very typical 5X5 scoring in the 180 class,
now this monster 5X6. A square 28 inch velvet mulie with
exceptionally long tines. |