This bear was with a sow in late spring mating season. The sow ran but this guy held his ground just a bit too long. His mad dash to get away was too late and the mating bear took the bullet from back end through to the front end and he dropped mid run. Seconds was all the time Johnno had but that was enough for this sharp shooter. Congrats Johnno and thanks for the hunt in Australia. |
Willie first took this bear then went on to harvest his velvet mule deer on his early September hunt this season. Single shots on both animals and he had two trophies to take home. His hunt ended in just a couple days and he wished he had held off so he had more hunting time while at our camp. So, he waited in camp while his deer meat was cut and froze at the butchers. |
Our first fall hunt. Steve came for a bear and his wife came along to keep watch on him. Both were great company for me while we drove the back trails looking for a bear for his wall. While watching a back road from a clearing this younger bear made the mistake of coming out to feed on the fresh clover growing in the clearing. My hunter did not miss his shot. |

Mike took a bull moose the first day of his hunt then decided to go for a bear. He missed the first brown bear we saw but did not miss this second bear. In a second day of hunting he took this mid sized brown color phase of the black bear species. One shot on his moose and one shot on this guy. Two trophies in two days of hunting. |
Nate, hunting at 12 years of age and he took home two bears. His first with a rifle and his second he pocked 3 arrows into this bear at 22 yards hitting the bear in the spine and neck bone. The bear dropped from his first arrow, the others arrows were reassurance of his bear on the ground. Fantastic shooting. What a pleasure to have Nate in camp. He is a great hunter and will be greater in the years to come. |
Terry had never done a guided hunt before and he wasn't sure what to expect. The hunt certainly surpassed his expectations. Seeing close to twenty bears, deer and moose really made it a great five days. |

This is the second year John and with his son, J.P. hunted with us. Each year this father/son team from southern Alberta took home two bears. This huge brown stopped his bullet giving John the color phase he was hoping for. Great company and fun to be around. Wishing you both all the best and I look forward to hunting Antelope with you this coming fall. |
Friends Shauli and Ryan tagged these two bear on there mid May hunt. In addition to harvesting bear they had an adventure I am sure Shauli will remember for some time. Full of stories and providing a camp full of laughs they did their share of entertaining which always makes guiding much more fun. Thanks guys and the best to both of you on any future hunts. |
Todd had never done a guided hunt before and he wasn't sure what to expect. The hunt certainly surpassed his expectations. Seeing close to twenty bears, deer and moose really made it a great five days. |

Such a charming young lady who wanted a bear hunt for her 12th birthday - and her dad promised. Kendall, just old enough to hunt came with her dad for her first guided bear hunt and she did well. Remarkable shooting gave her two bears to take home from our camp. This exceptional bear is much larger than her. Congratulations Kendall and thanks for coming to my bear camp. |
Thanks again for your charm and charisma Emily. Such a great lady to have hunting in our camp. Again a repeat client who harvested both bears, this one was sitting well up in a tree when to took her shot. We have a two bear limit in our area and Emily takes full advantage of getting her two. We always enjoy her dad as well who has accompanied her on both hunts. Looking forward to getting you the moose you want as well. |
Last year Henry took home two bears then again this year. As well this year he brought more hunters with him to enjoy the hunt together. His witty humor kept all on their toes and brought even more laughs to the hunting camp. A fun guy, a joy to have in camp and an experienced hunter who took all in stride and was once again successful. Always a treat to have a client like Henry. |

Nigel and Kelly from Australia booked their trophy bear hunt with us, were successful and like most, we became friends. They wanted bear and a wolf if one would pop it's head out. Kelly took 2 bear and Nigel a bear and a wolf, a wolf that made the fatal mistake of showing up in front the bear hunter. Great guys and lots of fun. Thanks to both of you and be seeing you again next season. |

After 40 years of outfitting some of my favorite clients are still the young new hunters and young ladies who adventure in to the wilds for the trophy animals of their dreams. Alexandra is one of my favorites and her dad put their trust in my bear camp and took home quality bears. Great hunters and great people and a joy to have in camp. |

Another of the gigantic bears from our area. Measured at 552 pounds, this monster would have easily weighed in at 100 pounds more as a fall bear. Through his return trips, Mark soon became a good friend and I look forward to each of his visits. Always anticipating the best he continually brings excitement to our hunting camp and his guides always enjoy their week with Mark. |

Aussie, John had orders for a brown colored black bear. Not sure if this comedian considered his wife's request but he did take home this brown colored bear. Combined with his fall moose hunt this bear only took part of a day to get. What a pleasure to have such a great guy in camp and I plan to hunt with him again only in Australia this time. All the best. |

Brad at 12 years took this trophy bear with dead on precision on his shot and not a moment too soon. While sitting with, Rick, his guide, this bear, part of a group of 4 bears turned to charge but Brad's bullet hit dead on and dropped his trophy on the spot. What a great new hunter to have in camp and his character and excitement each day was a highlight of the week. |

John, from Alberta poses with his black bear. Seldom do I take clients form Alberta but I took 4 in total this year. All were exceptional people to have in camp and all became friends of mine. Their patience and skill at hunting provided each with bears to take home. I look forward to meeting them all a second time. See you this fall, John, for the antelope hunt we talked of. |

Lars travelled from Denmark in hopes of taking home a couple trophies from my hunting camp. He took home 2 quality bears and also tagged a large gray Timber Wolf. With his tags filled he had nothing left to hunt so he tagged along just to be out in the woods. Once again a great hunt taking his 3 trophies with 3 shots. I look forward to hunting with Lars on future hunts. |

Emily took home two black bear, each with a single shot. Patience paid off and she saw other bear from her tree stand while she waited for her trophy to show. Her marksman ship with her rifle brought down her second trophy black bear. What a pleasure guiding her to her two bears and I look forward to her return for the brown she wants next. |

JP, his father and their friend came in from S. Alberta and provided and entertaining week of bear hunting. They came as strangers and left as friends and invited me to hunt antelope with them. How can I turn that down? JP, tagged this black bear and an exceptional blonde bear on his hunt this spring. Spot and stalk hunting is the best of the best for a real bear hunting. |

This is the second bear hunt in as many years that Rick has taken with us. Tagging 2 bears his first season he decided to try again for a larger brown color phase of the black bear and succeeded with this hog of a trophy brown phase. His guide once told me that Rick was one of the best hunters he had guided. Stalking, tracking and in general just good hunting sense says it all. |

Check out the rich color and deep body of this brown that my return hunter, Art is posing beside. He took 2 browns on this spring's bear hunt, fantastic colors and thick fur. This spring our color phases taken equaled exactly 50% of all bears taken. We have perhaps the highest color percents that you will find anywhere. My good friend hunted by archery on a baited hunt over our special recipe of ummmmmm good bear bait and scent. Always works... |

5 hunters in camp and each tagged 2 bear for a total of 10 bear taken. Another successful spot and stalk hunt. Alex was one of these hunters and he took this excellent brown bear along with a good sized black bear with rifle. It was a pleasure to have Alex and his hunting partner hunting with us. Great people, entertaining and professional hunters. I look forward to their next hunt with us. |

Licorice Bob acquired this name when he told his partner that he had licorice in his pocket. Perhaps that was one of the reasons that he had bear climb his tree stand on three separate occasions. Licorice Bob took home a brown bear and a monster black bear over 500 pounds. Both taken from tree stand over bait and not more than 27 yards to the bait barrels. Both shots were dead on and gave him his best trophy bear ever. |

What a great group of hunters. 3 in this group and all tagged out. Here Michael is likely laughing at some joke a guide told him. Proud of his bear and we were real proud of him taking this 500 plus pounder on is spot and stalk hunt. I forget if this is his first of second bear this spring but he tagged 2 great bears. 50% of all bears taken this spring were a brown color phase of the black bear. Who else can get those color percentages? |

Rick showed up in camp ready for an exciting bear hunt. He wanted a real bear hunt, a spot and stalk. He saw many, many bears and chose his two trophies carefully. Armed with both rifle and bow he took his first with his rifle but his second bear was taken after a perfect 500 yard stalk and a straight arrow at just over 30 yards. His spot and stalk archery hunt produced him a 350 pound black bear. |

His guide dropped him off in an area that showed signs of several bears then carried to put his second hunter on a good location. A short time later Dave had both his bears on the ground, side by side. Smiling he said that he got a bit excited. No point in waiting if you find what you are looking for and in 30 seconds the first day Dave was tagged out with two brown bears. A fun guy and we had the rest of his hunt to visit. |

This spring I had my first 2 hunters from Italy. Italy made the 25th country to hunt big game from my camp. Mr. Cinquini spoke English and translated for his partner. They soon adjusted our ways of hunting and tagged his trophy bears, a black and this one being a reddish brown color phase of the black bear. A rug is being made so he can enjoy it and show his friends as he tells his bear hunting stories. |

A near white bear and a darker brown each taken with a single shot. Stefano, from Italy couldn't speak the English language. Some translating from his hunting partner and a conglomeration of hand signals and gestures from his guide made his hunt a successful one with 2 bear. His smiles that told us his feelings and I wish we could have conversed. I was pleased to have him and his partner part of my spring bear hunting camp. |

George saw several bears on his spot and stalk non baited bear hunt. In one area alone his bear colors ranged from black to brown to white bears. George wounded his first bear but made no mistake on the second. Unfortunately this is the only photo I have of George's bears. However, here he is standing with his good friend who also tagged out this spring and also on a spot and stalk hunt. Great hunters and loads of fun. |

Thick spring hair on this medium chocolate brown bear offers the best of bear rug trophies. Doug took a brown phase black bear, a black bear and a coyote in just a few days on his non baited bear hunt. What else can I hunt? he jokes with a smile. Great fun and a great group of hunters. |

Two hunters, two bears and
I have them in my web site two times. Doug and Anthony
leaning on the skinning table with hopes of someone taking
their photos just one more time. This photo shows that
all color phases are taken in my camp. Just another successful
non baited hunt. Always the best hunts! |

Anthony, the booking man of the group, brought me 7 non baited bear hunters who all tagged black bear including brown phases of the black bear. A mix of hunters and a camp full of laughs and dozens of photos were taken of there bears. A nice trophy black bear for his wall. Congratulations. |

A late spring surprise,5
inches (13 cm.) of snow the first night of his hunt caught
us off guard but Mark picked out his black bear against
the white and surprised him with a good shot. Once again
the non baited hunt proved successful for a great hunter
getting and excellent trophy sized black bear. |

George taking his turn breaking cameras while he poses with a couple of blacks. His smiles tell of his enjoyment. I greatly enjoyed my time guiding this professional hunter who took each day in stride. His experience of hunting and his relaxed way gave me yet another excellent hunter in my camp. |

After a bad hunt the previous
year with some other outfitter, Joey, started out with
doubt but by the 3rd day of his non baited hunt he had
his black bear. His second bear cinched up his confidence
in bear outfitters and non baited hunts. His smiles between
the bears shows of a good time. |

What a wonderful young lady
and what a markswomen. Ashton tagged both a brown and
a black on her hunt and made all of us proud. Great shooting
gave her 2 rugs for her room. With much sitting and some
driving, her and her guide found several bears over the
course of her hunt. Best of luck in the future. |

I couldn't help but include
this candid photo of Ashton after her shower. Gleaming
she poses behind the skinning table holding three bears.
She harvested a brown and a black on her non baited hunt.
Her brother also tagged two bear, a brown and a black,
non baited as well. Pleased to have both in camp. Great
fun. |

A quiet hunter but a good
shot and Bill dropped his bear in one shot. Non baited
was the tag Bill took and he caught his bear feeding on
seeds, berries and fresh grasses. All are a favorite food
and once found you can nearly always count on them returning.
Very habitual and we count on that for many bears. |

Our first cross-bow hunter since the law changed allowing cross-bows just a couple years ago. Ben's best bear ranged over 8 feet and a bit over 500 pounds. What a monster bear and one heck of a trophy. In all the guides estimated a bit over 50 browns and blacks were spotted during this hunt. |

An enjoyable camp of hunters
from the great, Salt Lake City area in Utah. 5 hunters
and all tagged bear. Just another successful hunt, Brent
with bow, Ashton with 300 rifle and her father Ben with
cross-bow. Missing are son, Wyatt and friend, Bill who
also tagged bear. Good going hunters. |

Archery hunter, Brent, with
his baited Black Bear. While feeding out of a barrel filled
with our special recipe of bear food this guy had no idea
Brent's arrow was on it's way and he ended up being a
rug for our hunter. With a very high color % of bears
in our area hunters often get chances at all colors of
bears. |

12 year old, Wyatt. Full
of energy and life he proved to be a challenge for his
guide to hold him still long enough for a bear to come
out. This hunter managed to control his ambitions and
ended up with two trophies for his wall. They saw a great
many bears on their hunt, both browns and blacks. |

What a great group of hunters
to have on our opening fall hunt. 2 from Denmark and 1
from United Kingdom. 3 hunters and all shot at brown bears
on their non baited fall bear hunt. Henrik poses with
his deep chocolate brown bear at the skinning table in
our hunting camp. Congratulations on your success. |

Daniel and his trophy brown
bear on yet another non baited bear hunt. His shot through
the leaves and branches dropped his bear and provided
us with yet another brown phase black bear for our records.
The thickness of this brown's hair should make a quality
rug for his wall or floor. Good going. |

Aloha Mike. The smiles of
a good time. The Hawaiians took many photos of the camp
grounds layered is fresh wet snow. The second day after
an early May surprise snow storm and nearly all snow had
melted. What pleasant hunters, Mike and his son, to have
in camp and they each took home bears on their non baited
hunt. |

Smiles tell it all. The
early snow melted and our Hawaiian hunter tagged a great
trophy black bear. Successful non baited hunts provide
the best of the bear and fun filled entertaining hunters
make outfitting a joy. Aloha, Brandon, and we are all
pleased to have had you in out camp. Best wishes. |

Whoever said brown bears don't get big has not hunted our country. Take a peek at Basile's monster brown. Over 8 feet and over 500 pounds of trophy brown bear bruin. Congrats on such a nice bear. It should make a great full mount for your trophy room and provide many stories to tell. |

With so many bears taken on his non baited black bear hunt I am now not certain which bear he is holding but I believe Joseph is standing by his own. Wolf/Coyote license is also available during the spring and fall season and often make a bonus trophy on a hunt. In this case, a coyote trophy |

Another monster! Easily
a record book skull just beating out a previous record
taken by a lady from New Zealand, J.D. has a cool one
while he poses for the perfect photo for this web site.
His second bear of the hunt and a real monster taken on
a baited hunt. |

Todd with another huge bear
taken on a non-baited hunt. The best of the hunting methods
for huge bear. |

5 hunters took 10 bear in
5 days. All fair chase hunts. This non-baited archery
hunter tagged two bear, a black and this brown. A pleasant
hunter and an excellent shot. Mike proudly smiles while
I photograph him and this excellent trophy. |

June 14 brown bear - 21
inch skull. Quick positioning then we waited for the bear
to come to us. At 20 yards the bullet hit this monster
550 pound brown through the neck bone and dropped him
on the spot. Always the best hunts are by spot and stalk
or fair chase for larger bears. Always! |

Archery on a non baited
bear hunt. Once again we proved we can get bears by archery
with no bait. Don hunted the natural food plots like clover
patches and berry patches and this photo shows his success.
What a pleasant hunter to have in camp. I wish all hunters
were as nice as, Don. |

From 100 yards I zoomed
in on this wonderful sight and took a few photos of these
bears while they were out in their feeding area. We are
fortunate to be outfitting in an area that produces a
very high colour ratio of browns to blacks. We have taken
up to 50% browns but the average % is lower. |

Archery, non-baited and
his second season with us. My friend and first class hunter
returned for more animals. This season he took home mule
deer as well. Excellent shooting with his bow brought
down this mid sized black for a rug. Next fall he plans
to take home more bears and a bull moose. |

Wesley with his monster
brown colored black bear. What a huge bear and he is getting
a full mount done. His group of six all tagged and had
opportunities to tag a second bear. Once again the non
baited hunts provided the largest of the bears over natural
foods like fresh spring clover. Grasses are a bears main
source of foods. |

A non-baited hunt. A dark
chocolate bear taken over natural foods on a spot and
stalk hunt. Brent tagged this male brown/black bear as
he searched for food and a mate. Late season usually provides
larger bears on average due to the upcoming mating season
starting mid June |

Outfitter and hunter joking
as they squat behind Brent's bear for a photo. This bear
was taken on a baited hunt off an active bait barrel loaded
with our own secret recipe of bear foods. This trophy
is one of two bears my hunter shot at with his bow. An
excellent shot and a great hunter to have in camp. |

Bruce chose a non-baited
hunt and got to spot and stalk this huge black bear while
it fed in a field. Among other foods an oat field is an
excellent magnet for black bear. A great prize for anyones
trophy room and he didn't pass up his shot. Another super
black bear on a non-baited hunt. |

Ricky, now serving his country
overseas, nailed this huge black while it was feeding
on clover along a back trail. Again, the best on the late
hunts and on the non baited hunts. His guide, Criss, made
no mistakes setting up his hunter for the perfect shot.
Clover and berry patches make prime spring and fall food
for hungry bear. |

An active member of his
states turkey association, Ron tagged this dark chocolate
brown bear on his non baited hunt. This professional hunter
wanted the best and he received one of the best of the
bears. This huge brown made the mistake of getting into
Ron's sights and one shot brought down this wonderful
trophy. |

Our youngest hunter ever,
twelve year old, Alex, with his monster archery bear.
His shot intercepted this 500 pound bruin when he was
coming for his daily feeding of clover. Clover and grasses
are a favourite food for spring and fall bear and an easy
way to hunt non-baited bear. |

Two of the nicest people.
Joel Jr. told the jokes and Joel Sr. hunted 2 huge black
bear, each near 400 pounds. Two of the nicest people I
have ever met. A pleasure to have in my hunting camp.

After missing an even lighter
coloured brown bear, Ruby, became more serious with her
shooting and the next bear in her sights dropped in its
tracks. This light coloured brown taken on another non-baited
hunt has provide her with a great trophy for her room.
A great young lady who provided much entertainment in
camp. She and her father each took home a brown. |

My good friend and many
times return client, Kent from Sweden, poses on a rainy
day beside this 400 pound black bear. A great trophy and
a professional hunter and I look forward to seeing him
and his group on each of his trips. Always non-baited
hunts for this group. |

Another Swede with a big
laugh. Lots of fun and full of jokes makes, Per Ake, an
enjoyable hunter to have in camp. Here he poses with his
huge black bear taken on another non-baited hunt. An excellent
trophy for an enjoyable client. Congradulations. |

Patient, observant and precise
and a joy to hunt with. Rachel, from New Zealand, and
her family quickly became part of our family. Our hunting
trade produced 5 huge trophies for her family. A perfect
shot gave her the second largest record book bear skull
of the year in our camp. Whow! What a huge bear on her
non-baited hunt. |

Recurve archery hunter,
Gordon, shows off his huge non-baited trophy bear. For
his own enjoyment he makes his own recurve bows. Precision
in archery making, his bows are among the best I have
ever seen. What a huge bear measuring 8 feet. |

Wanting a huge bear for
a hunting magazine, Ronald got his story and a 7 1/2 foot
trophy, nose to tail. A thrilling adventure for Ronald
and another big game story for Alberta Wilderness Adventures.

Another brown on a non-baited
hunt. Once again the challenge of non-baiting produces
many of the best bears. Steve claims this brown for his
wall and his brother took home a black bear. This season
brought us a ratio of browns that would be hard to beat
anywhere. 46% of all bears taken this year were of the
brown colour phase. |

On this non-baited hunt
this large black bear was feeding on berries and clover
along a back trail in the woods. This bear's mistake was
to step into the open in front of Martin's sights. His
shot did not miss and we achieved another 100% on trophy
bear. A great trophy and a great hunter. |
Archery hunter, Cory, in
a close up with his monster bear. Many serious photos
were taken too. A sharp eye and an accurate shot and this
bear didn't take more than a few steps once he had been
arrowed. The camp of 5 clients all tagged their trophy
bear giving us another 100% on a non-baited hunt. |

Return client, Anders from Sweden, poses with another
huge black taken on a mid May hunt. What a bear measuring
7 ½ feet and a body weight of over 400 pounds.
Non-baited hunts often produce larger bear and most feel
it is a more exciting way to hunt. |

This hunter from, Denmark,
did not miss his targets. Two shots gave him two bears
and this one is a real bruin. A whopping 350 pounds of
spring bear on a non-baited hunt. The bear's habit of
feeding in the same location and near the same time each
day offered an easy 2 bear hunt for this hunter.

Tom wanted
a brown bear and a velvet mule deer buck. He took home
a 400 plus pound brown bear and a 5x5 velvet mule deer
buck with a 25 inch spread. His patience and skill paid
off with 2 trophies. |

One more look at a table
full of black bears. Head guide and outfitter/guide dressed
in blue and red plaid jackets proudly display our hunters'
catch. For a first day, not too shabby! |

No matter how you call it,
this monster 9 foot black bear is a trophy to be proud
of. This 500 pound plus spring bear measured over 22 inches
on the skull. |

My friend, Heather, and
another brown bear taken by spot and stalk. Previously
she had taken a larger black bear by spot and stalk. This
300 pounds of brown bear is an excellent trophy and will
make a high valued rug when she is finished with it. Check
out the thickness of the fur on this bear. |

Thinking the bear was walking
away from him, Ed did his sneak at a full run down the
cutline. His hunting partner and his guide had a good
laugh when Ed realized the opposite. |

Another happy Swede with
a 350 lb. brown-black bear. Thinking the wind was wrong,
the strategy was to move Bo to another location. When
his guide, Heather, went over to him she found two dead
bears. Both were taken on an abandoned oil lease within
a 2 hour period. Bo's hunting partner, Kent, later wounded
a grey wolf that was after the bear carcasses. He had
missed another grey 3 days earlier. |

By accident, I ran this
brown off at 5:00 A.M. He was back for a second quarter
of moose meat from the meat pole. The next night, Mark
put an end to the meat stealing and stopped this 600+
lb. bruiser from feeding his entire family. |

Another large black bear
taken on a non-baited bear hunt. This bear was taken as
it rambled along an open area in the woods in search of
a sow for mating. These later hunts most often produce
the biggest black bear of any hunts including our baited
hunts. Non-baited and late season are some of the best. |

This black is every bit
of 400 lbs. The stalking game began when we caught a glimpse
of black movement. A berry patch was being visited by
this monster. After cautious minutes of getting into just
the right position, the hunter fired. We saw the second
bear only when it ran for cover. |

Wayne shows that the whitish
bears can be taken too. Although, not a large bear, the
rare near white color, more than makes up for the difference.
Often our color phases have been well over a 40% of our
total harvested bears. |

Over an assortment of black
bears, Larry and James enjoy a pleasant spring day while
they discuss their days events. |

Matt and Dennis each took
home two black bears. Four bears in four shots! Two browns,
two blacks and two ecstatic hunters. Now they want a moose.

Guide, Heather with hunters,
Lyle and Ed with a 506 pound black bear. The length of
the bear rug was 8 1/2 feet. The skull measurement was
21 3/4 inches for a record book skull. Not too bad for
the second day of our first hunt. |

A giant of all bears! This
early fall bear measured over 9 feet long and 7.5 feet
wide. Mike needed the help of his hunter to roll this
animal over. Estimates on the weight put this monster
at over 650 lbs. Shot twice in the head, scoring was impossible,
but there is little doubt he would have been well up in
the record books. (The guide in the jean jacket is six
feet tall). A memorable bear indeed! |

P.A., a return client from
Sweden, tagged this monster black bear on his second spring
hunt at our camp. Carrying an orange ear tag we can only
assume that he was a problem bear that had been relocated.

This guide from Wyoming
came here to kill a brown phased black bear. When this
250 lb. bear came to dig in his grocery pile, Jay's arrow
found its mark. Jay hunted two seasons in my camp and
was particular about which bears he harvested. He is most
certainly a marksman with the bow at 30 yds. |

Jeremy blasted this 400
lb. plus bear with his bow at 20 yds. Later that day,
he also shot a brown bear of the same size. This bait
hunt showed him as many as 11 bears from the same tree
stand in the same day. He had a blast. |

His first bear hunt produced
this 250 lb trophy. Ove is all smiles as he displays his
brown bear for the camera. |

When a bear is well over
400 lbs. an experienced hunter would say, 'you have a
great bear'. Shannon was more than happy with this monster.
We knew a large bear was feeding on a clover patch on
the cutline, but we didn't know he was this big! Shannon's
position 75 yds. away was perfect. When this bruin rambled
out to feed, he had no idea at all what was waiting. |

Mike's shot was accurate
and he tagged this beautiful blonde bear at 100 yards.
It was not the largest of black bears at 250 pounds but
to Mike it is a real trophy. |