6 time return hunter, friend and a great sport. His dad hunted 11 times and his two uncles hunted 10 times each. They have all taken trophy antlers and all have been happy with every hunt they have been on. Tom took this early morning moose and in a couple hours we had it hanging on the meat poles in camp and were back out to pick up his friends moose. In 3 days all 5 hunters in camp had filled their tags. |

Ken hunted a mid October hunt for a trophy moose. Here is his trophy bull moose and pretty nice bull at that. It wasn't long before all hunters tagged out and we had days to tell stories and tell our special techniques on just how to get the next bull. A drink or two was exchanged but mostly stories. Good hunting Ken and I hear your moose meat is very tasty. |
 Often groups of bulls gather after the mating season to put on weight for the winter. Here is a group of 9 or 10 bulls ranging in sizes from small to 45 inch spreads. Most often smaller groups are seen and sometimes with a few cows during any November hunts. Most often we have snow by the beginning of the month. Late hunts are good but are for those who can take a bit of cold. Bring extra.

A 10 by 10 point bull moose with a spread of near 50 inches. A nice rack for the hunter and Sean stands with a smile beside this trophy. Like all our moose trophies this rack has great color which really adds to the trophy when on the wall. Another great hunt and all 5 guys tagged out in 3 days on this hunt and on the next hunt all 5 hunters tagged out in 2 days. Fantastic! |

This mid Sept. hunt kicked out butts with a full moon and some rain but Klint came through on his last day nailing this rutting bull at 150 yards. No monster of a rack but hunting in the elements nature gave us this bull was better than no bull and he did not pass up his opportunity to be successful. My hunter was happy and had some great tasting meat for his table. |

Guide, Heather, showed her hunter 5 bulls sleeping in an opening along the road. Thinking they picked out the largest her hunter, Doug, let fly and dropped this 50 inch rack. When the 4 remaining bulls ran they observed that one was much wider and had many more points. However, Doug was very happy to take home this trophy. We skidded this 1600 pound body out of the brush with our quad. What a pull.

Another mid September hunt produced this younger bull packing a 36 inch rack. Calling and patience waiting on stand or behind some type of blind usually pay off. This bull was no different than the rest and made the mistake of showing himself in the wrong place. A nice trophy for the wall. |

Derek and his uncle choose a late Oct. hunt and took home two great trophies. This bull was the smallest of the two and measured about 45 inches across. His skill at tracking and stalking his trophy landed him a bull deep in the woods in an early snowfall. But he had his trophy only a few days into his hunt. |

61.5 inches of monster bull moose taken less than an hour after calling. A rack for anyone and a super specieman for the Canadian species of moose. Not all moose get to be this size so lower your sights but try for the best and here is where you find the best. Our camp, our guides and the forests they hunt.

Nick and his son both took home great bulls while on their moose hunt with us. Rut season is always one of the better times for moose hunting and this one was no different. Through calling by his guide and a bit of patience this 55 inch bull stepped out and became an exceptional trophy. |

Not all hunters get bulls in the 50 to 60 inch class but as usual our trophies keep coming in. Brian was super happy with this 48 inch trophy and wasted no time in knocking him to the ground. He and his dad only took a few days to fill their tags with above average racks. Thanks and we wish you both all the best. |

My guide who has been with me for a great many years holds a 48 inch bull with well balanced antlers. He is also a trapper so very knowledgeable about the forest and the animals he guides for. He is a first class guide/hunter who cares more about getting your trophy than you do. The best anywhere.

Only a couple days into his hunt Wayne nailed this 48 inch bull and had his dream come true. Late Oct. hunt produced this exceptional trophy. Pleasant and full of laughs only tells part of his character. A great guy and a big thanks for coming with your nephew. Hoping all your hunts are as successful. |

Gary took a longer shot and nailed his young bull early into his hunt. 400 yards and this bull was now his trophy. 10 minutes later his hunting partner for the day got his 50 rack no more than 200 yards from this bull. Thanks for being in our moose camp. You are a fun hunter and a pleasure to be around. |

This man from Australia, John, was the most entertaining hunter in years. After a bad hunt in another province he choose us for this second try and look at his success. This 50 inch rack and a brown colored black bear were his trophies. I plan to visit him next year and hunt in his country with him. Thanks for choosing us as your outfitter.

Thanks to, Mark, for giving us a chance to take him to his trophy bull moose. A great guy who hunted hard and took home this great bull after 4 days of hunting. I truly wish I had gotten to know him better but his wife was waiting for him in town, so.. . must leave early. He says the meat is great and he is more than happy with his trophy moose rack. All the best on your future hunts. |

This trophy bull showed up at the wrong time. Guide, Rick, did some calling on an old clearing but had no response. They hunted elsewhere for mid day then returned to the clearing to finish off the day with more calling and hopefully catch an evening bull looking for a mate. This guy walked out shortly after they arrived and David's bullet dropped him in his tracks. What a trophy. |

Art Bundy came back again to hunt with us for the fifth time this fall. He was searching for another moose to add to the moose he had taken the year before. He made a great shot from 375 yards on this nice moose. He has taken mule deer and bears on his moose hunts on previous trips and continues to hunt with us each year. He's a great hunter, and a great friend and we love having him return year after year.

His wife, Tiff, did all the planning. Hoping to get the right outfitter she booked a moose hunt with us for her husband Marty and her father. Each tagged great bulls. Marty's bull hit the ground hard with a heart shot and broke the left antler inward but not totally off. Look closely to see the crack near the base. Still it measures around 50 inches. His taxidermist will fix this trophy for a great wall mount. Good going Marty. |

Mark, a return hunter and just an all around good guy has taken bear and moose from my camp on different hunts. This coming spring season he is planning for another bear. This last fall he tagged this excellent monster bull with 10 points on each side. What a great trophy it will make for his trophy room. I enjoy his company each time he comes. So nice to have return clients too. |

This is the 4th. time, Art has hunted in my camp. He has taken brown and black black bear, mule deer and now this young 33 inch bull on his 3rd day with an off hand shot at 250 yards. Taken through the lungs the bull did his short run before side swiping a large pine tree then pilling into the moss covered ground. We took the photo as he lay with the evidence scattered on his antlers and head. |

Another monster bull moose
taken on our mid Sept. hunt this season. Matt and his
brother each tagged trophies near the record books. Two
great hunters to have participate in our hunting season.
Sorry to have them leave at the end of their hunt. |

Taken on a logging block
this bull hit the ground and gave Casey an excellent trophy
he is proud to own. Logging blocks supply us with a good
assortment of trophies to record book class. Thanks to
a great group of guys for participating in our moose season.
Carl, the retired firefighter,
didn't wait for the 50 inch bull moose that he wanted.
Instead he took the first bull he saw his first day. Not
a bad trophy for the first bull of his hunt. Check out
the rich color and the thickness of the antlers. |

Joshua's monster bull moose
taken off a logged over block of forest. His father also
shot at a bull a bit larger than this one. During the
late part of the rut both bulls were herding cows in different
areas and feeding on fresh sapling regrowth. Feeding most
at nights hunters had to be in position at first and last
light for their trophy of a lifetime. |

What a monster moose. Both
Joe and his brother tagged exceptional wall hangers. Their
mid September hunt proved very rewarding for this group
with other mid sizes trophy moose as well. Thanks guys
for being part of our season. | 
Last season we took several
bulls around the 50 inch mark. Many were in the record
book class but all were trophies for the hunter who harvested
each bull moose. Here Rick smiles for the camera as he
kneels beside an 1800 pound moose. What a trophy. |

They came into camp excited and ready for a successful hunt. Clarence's (bubba's) bull taken the first day measured over 40 inches, his son-in-law's taken later in the hunt measured around 50 inches. Super good guys and I was lucky to have them hunt with my outfit. This bull will make excellent steak, burger and of course with Clarence's special recipe some great jerky. |

Guide Sean and his hunter,
preparing to drag this monster bull to his pickup. Taken
off a logged of block in the woods this bull was too heavy
to get out any other way. These remote logging areas provide
us with many large bulls each season. | 
Check out the spread on
this bull. Hard to find anywhere other than our hunting
area. We took several bulls this season as large as Kyle's
shown in this photograph. He has a trophy and a memory
to last him for many years. We are so pleased to be able
to provide trophies of this caliber. |

Taken on the edge of a logged
off block of woods. These clear cuts have always been
a prime areas for us to find quality bulls. Clint poses
with his brothers trophy. A mid sized rack sporting 9
points on each side. This bull will make an excellent
trophy for the wall. |

Check out the weight of
the brow tines on Patti's bull moose. This spirited lady
opened up on this bull and ended up with a 42' inch wide
trophy for her wall. An average sized set of antlers and
a very impressive trophy that most would be proud to own.
Her husband also tagged his bull in a clearing. | 
Garry took the first bull
he could. Both him and his son took home meat bulls and
the report is, "Very Tasty". What great people, what great
hunters to have back in my hunting camp. A mid rut hunt
and calling had something to do with his success. |

Among other large trophies
taken on our late, Sept. moose hunt this photo shows the
big and the small. Shawn and his son, Kyle proudly hold
their moose for the camera. Kyle's moose measured 49.5
inches. Great guys to have in camp. |

A quiet hunter with a deadly
shot. His young bull didn't have a chance and Ross got
to take home a trophy for his wall. Taken on a late, September
hunt that was filled with all kinds of weather from snow
to rain to hot days |
A real trophy for anyone's wall. November moose are usually
comparable to the rut moose when it comes to the size
of antlers. Often the average is a bit higher for November
moose. Perhaps the best month for the larger trophies. |

Another huge bull on a November
hunt. A bit of snow and cool temperatures did not stop
Jim from taking this record book bull out of a group of
seven bulls that were feeding on a logging block. His
eight day hunt showed him 20 cows and 11 bulls. A best
time of year for hunting. |

Return client, Jack, tagged
again. Feeding on saplings on a logging block with 4 other
bulls this one did not escape Jack's sights and provided
him with another trophy bull in the low 40s. A good friend,
a great hunter and a return client and a pleasure to have
in camp. |

A record
book moose and another happy hunter. Clayton proudly shows
off his trophy on the skinning table. Way up in the books
this monster bull was held by my yearning cow call giving
another client a successful memory. Many more of these
trophy bulls roam our hunting areas. |
Held by my cow call this
monster bull, scoring well above minimum for SCI, made
the fatal mistake of looking too long for his second cow.
My New Zealand hunter took home a trophy beyond his expectations.
What a huge bull, what a happy hunter. |

An average spread but a bit short on palm and paddle.
Robert is pleased to pose with his trophy taken with a
single shot. Robert's bullet impacted the bull squarely
and nearly all of the lead stayed together, a perfect
mushroom. This mid season rut bull is not yet mature but
he was heavy into looking for cows. |

After loosing a bull on his first day I made no mistakes
on what to do the second day of my long time friend's
10th. moose hunt with my outfit. Jon patiently waited
and watched on a logging block until evening when I snuck
up a trail to another rut hole near the top of the logging
block. In less than 5 minutes this bull was on the ground. |

Kirby, a great guy and a
great hunter. he and his guide called in this bull within
15 yards of their position. One shot put this monster
trophy on the ground. Another successful mid October hunt
and another 100% season. |

What a well balanced set
of antlers. An average sized bull with a mirror image.
This bull and another were selected out of a small group
of moose and taken seconds apart in a deep valley. The
two hunters and their guide have a hard work story to
tell. |

Donny, and his group have
hunted before and were as much fun this time as they were
on their first hunt here. A great group of guys who enjoy
their hunting and just being out. Don poses behind his
moose for a photo for my web site. A smaller rack than
he took on his first hunt but still a nice trophy. |

Two forty inch bulls taken on a mid October hunt. Together
they fed on a logging block with 3 others. These were
the two that didn't run for the heavy timber and made
another successful hunt for these return clients. |

During a surprise snowfall
late, Sept. David, took his bull amid the falling flakes.
Check out this unique set of moose antlers with double
palms and shovels and the richness in color. What a trophy
for anyone. A great guy, a great hunter. Thanks for coming
to my camp. |

Brian came for moose and mule deer and tagged both with single shots. Average sized trophies that will make some great mounts. This 38 inch bull dropped along side one of our many logging blocks. These are among some of the best hunting areas to be found anywhere. Loaded with berries, grass and fresh sapling shoots moose, mule deer and black bear are drawn to these smorgasbords for easier hunting. |

My wife Bev is on the left,
accompanied by guide Heather and her daughter Corina.
Newly constructed cabins in the background house up to
4 clients each. Equipped with propane heat and light,
a bucket of water, a sink, and four beds, their first
tenants this year gave them very positive comments. |

Hunting logging blocks always seems to produce numerous
moose to choose from. Many times we have seen more than
20 moose on winter cut blocks feeding on the tender aspen
leaves and young shoots from summer's growth. This happy
client chose a bull in the low 40's. A great trophy and
a great hunter. |

Logging blocks are excellent
areas to hunt November moose usually offering several
bulls to look at. Out of this group of 4 bulls Jason took
the one closest to him and bagged his first trophy moose.
A well balanced set of antlers that will look great as
a shoulder mount in his house. |

What can I say about this
first time moose hunter. "Great shooting, Shelane".
Her moose was called in and she dropped the young bull
with a deadly shot like any pro-moose hunter. She has
plans to hunt many more moose as well as deer and bear.
What a pleasure to know this lady hunter. Good going,
Shelane. |

Dick fired on his bull from
a long distance with 3 successful shots tagging himself
an average bull he was proud to own. A excellent shooter
and a great guy to have in camp. This hunt took place
during early, October when the bulls were hard in the
rut. A great time to hunt. |

November hunting often produces
larger antlers. Bulls begin to yard up in late October
after the rut season in feeding areas. Most often large
groups of bulls can be found with all sizes of antlers.
Guide Rick, holds a 52 inch early Nov. bull taken from
a group of seven. |

The largest body weight
of any bull moose in the previous 2 years to reach our
local butcher. Ten year return client, Jon, stands beside
his monster bull, his 10th bull in our camp. A tough animal
with one broken antler and one blind eye. Someone is bigger! |

A late rut hunt with freezing
temperatures at night this bull hung with a cow on a logged
over area. The lush regrowth is excellent feed for moose
during the fall and winter season. November is one of
the best times to hunt these logged areas. An average
antlered bull of about 36 inches. |

Two great hunters to have in camp and two record book
moose. Herb took his trophy bull the first day of his
8 day hunt and Stan waited until day 7 to harvest his
monster bull. An overnight in a fly camp put us at a remote
lake early the last morning. We watched this bull as he
followed 400 yards of open grass shore on his way to my
call. |

Two young bulls on the meat
pole make excellent eating and are a favourite hunt for
many clients. Non trophy hunters often take the 6 day
hunt and most will tag their animal early in their hunt.
Logging blocks offer an excellent source of food and many
young bulls gather in these open areas. Great hunting
for meat bulls and great fun. |

Each of the many years Jon
has hunted moose in my camp he has tagged his bull and
has taken trophies from small to huge. This bull scores
226 unofficial, and is his best of his seasons here. This
addicted moose hunter plans to take another trophy bull
home this fall. |

Ernie wanted
a record book or nothing. After seven days of passing
up small moose, this giant came to my call. A 400 yard
shot gave him a trophy well up into the record books.
One of Alberta's largest bulls taken with just under a
60 inch spread. |

In a haze of excitement, Morris wounded this 45"
bull after striking an antler with his first bullet. The
tracking began. It took 24 hours before I found the wounded
bull in his bed. Once again, the quad came through and
carried his moose to our vehicle 3 miles away. He told
me the meat wasn't tough. |

After hours of sorting out
this bull's pattern, guide Rick spied him in heavy timber.
With an assortment of hand jestures, Rick made his hunter
aware he found the trophy bull moose. The moose waited
and Don's shot dropped the bull on a cutline. |

I think his socks were red
too. This 50" bull was an easy one. While walking
a cutline, we jumped a cow and this bull. Minutes seemed
like hours before he charged into the call of a young
bull. At 30 yards away, he was surprised to find a red-clothed
man with a gun instead of a young bull sneaking in to
see his girl. |

Hard work and determination
paid off .. after losing a bull to three timber wolves,
and putting up with extreme weather conditions during
this early season hunt, Heather put her client Bob in
front of this one. The rain didn't stop his bullet. |

One hour later Tom and I
coaxed this bull across a logging block to a bush trail
where we could easily pick him up. The bull tried to crawl
past us into the heavy timber and that was his fatal mistake. |

Just another bull? Not to
Bud. This was his first moose, and he soon found out how
much work hauling meat can be. Taken on an island of high
ground in a land of bogs, the elements of nature fought
against us, but persistence got us through. We hope to
never hunt there again! |

No one believed it until
they watched the video of Herb shooting his record book
moose. After several hours of calling, I pulled this giant
to the shore, 350 yards away. Herb's first bullet ricocheted
off a twig near our blind, then ricocheted again off the
water, and still the bullet hit this bull in the chest!
(Is this a 'Believe-it-or-Not' story?) |

What is there to write about?
A happy hunter with his 40 plus inch trophy moose taken
in early October. Another 100% kill on this hunt. Jim
and his group were a great bunch of guys who knew how
to enjoy a hunt. |

This 56" rack took
some gettin'! This bull pulled every trick out of its
bag, but on the third day of being tracked, John and his
guide Dave caught up with him. Wounded and desperate,
the bull tried one last time to swim a lake to escape
his pursuers. John had him in his sights before he reached
the far bank. |

This 48" rack is one
of the most balanced displays I have seen. Virtually no
deductions! We had a second chance with this one ... Stan's
nylon jacket frightened the bull away the first time he
came in. Persistent with my call, the now leery bull was
coaxed to 300 yards of my hunter. No mistakes were made
the second time. |

Jim became my good friend
years ago when he hunted this bull. Later he hunted and
killed black bear in my spring camp, and I hunted caribou
with him in Alaska. The ATV was a great help in getting
us around. We missed our chances at larger bulls earlier
in his hunt. |

Jay made an unbelievable
shot, and tagged this distinct looking 20 pointer. The
guide, Jim, continued with his calling when most guides
would have quit. The bull had taken a licking from a larger
one and was more cautious when coming toward the enticing
cow moans from the birch bark horn. The bullet somehow
made its way through a web of willows. |